Saint-Germain: A Lelki Elérés Illúziója (The Illusion of Spiritual Attainment)

Nekünk van egy új üzenetünk Saint-Germaintől (Angolul): "A Lelki Elérés Illúziója " (The Illusion of Spiritual Attainment)
Kedves üdvözletek,
Dan és Alexandra
We have a new message from Saint-Germain: "The Illusion of Spiritual Attainment".
Kind greetings,
Dan and Alexandra
"The Illusion of Spiritual Attainment" - A Saint-Germain Channel
By Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack
March 31, 2009
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The following channel comes from our Saint-Germain Home Study Course. It will help you deconstruct and release yet another ego game that is common among lightworkers.
This game is called "Climbing the Ladder, or Mountain of Spiritual Attainment." It’s a game the ego will try to play with you, once you have decided to accept the Truth About You. The truth that you are a Child of God, and God, also.
We invite you to read this channel, or if you prefer, you can listen to the audio recorded version of Saint-Germain.
To continue reading this channeled material, please click here or go to
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