Saint-Germain: Who Is “Not Good Enough”?

Dan Bennack képe


Nekünk van egy új üzenetünk Saint-Germaintől (Angolul): Sub-Personalities 101: Who Is “Not Good Enough”?

Kedves üdvözletek,

Dan és Alexandra



We have a new message from Saint-Germain: “Sub-Personalities 101: Who Is ‘Not Good Enough’?”.

Kind greetings,

Dan and Alexandra


Sub-Personalities 101: Who Is "Not Good Enough"? – A Saint-Germain Channel

By Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack

November 17, 2008

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

“How many times have you asked yourself, ‘When will I receive the goodness I deserve, especially after all the good I have done for others?’ Too often to remember, is what most of you would say, and this would be essentially correct.

“What about all the times you were told, ‘Do what you love, and the money will follow,’ – only to find that when you did, you weren’t valued by the ones you chose to serve? Again, more times than you might care to recall.

“What does it mean to feel that you’re not good enough, no matter how hard you try? And why do these feelings seem to keep good things from happening to you?”

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Dear Friends,

This channel came through at a time when we were both wrestling with the question, “Why am I sabotaging myself?” We had both reached a point where we were not able to enjoy the preparation of our book and channels for publication.

We had enjoyed these activities so much before; we felt we were good at it; and we knew that doing it was good for us, too. So why weren’t we enjoying it now? It seemed to be something more than being tired, or feeling overworked.

We began to realize that something inside of us was not allowing us to experience our own “goodness”, and as a result, the flow of good things toward us was blocked. Shortly after that, the channel came through; and that, combined with our own insights, gave a fresh perspective to the whole thing.

We hope it is helpful to you, as it has been for us.

Much love to all,

Alexandra and Dan

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