Lord Kuthumi: A leleplezés/The Unveiling Live Channeiling Channelled through Michelle Eloff© Channelled in Johannesburg


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----- Original Message -----
From: Biró Virág
To: Biró Virág
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 5:16 PM
Subject: unveiling

Michelle Eloff © www.thelightweaver.org - 1 -

Egypt 2009 – Fire Gate Five

Lord Kutthumii

The Unveiilliing Liive Channelllliing

Channelled through Michelle Eloff©

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 2 February 2009

To find out more about Michelle Eloff and The Lightweaver, please visit


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will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing and Purpose.

To download the audio version of this channelling go to www.indecontent.com

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet each of

you at this time and to bring to you the blessings of transparency, integration, trust and

truth. Greetings beloved ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you

upon this evening as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon

the hands of God.

Beloved ones this unveiling process is one that brings each of you an almighty

transition catapulting your energy into the future. The future that we refer to is that of

the aspects of self that are fully mastered that stand firmly within the centre of light, of

love and the fullness of Christ Consciousness.

For many years now we have been working with you individually and as groups

assisting you, guiding you and at times pushing you in the direction of your truth - all of

this has been for a very important purpose. Much has been focused on in relation to

2012; very recently it was told to a group by Mary Magdalene that in fact those of you

who are working with the energies that we have been bringing forth are already past

the 2012 timeline. This particular timeline has manifested many of its aspects for those

who have chosen to take the bull by the horns and move forward into the deeper

realms of consciousness embracing the truth within, trusting the higher plan and that it

is indeed a divine one and one that is leading you into the heart of our Cosmic Parents

– Father God and the Mother Goddess.

2012 is a time of immense change but it is not a time where your world will go up in

smoke, it is not a time where the Earth changes will bring devastating change to your

world, it is a time of great shift in relation to consciousness. It is also a timeline where

people will see and realise that much has changed in the world. We are beginning the

unveiling process now because you are ready for this; this is in preparation for the

great change, the time of truth that shall come between 2018 and 2022, this will affect

all of humanity all across the globe on many levels.

You as a soul in a human body work in human timeline terms 24/7, your soul is

constantly seeking avenues to express itself, your authentic self is delving deep within

nudging you to allow those various Pandora’s boxes to be opened wide so that you

can see just how infinite you are as an almighty being of co-creation. Your human

consciousness has been something that you have had to utilise for a reason. You

needed to be able to relate to human beings and the only way that you could do that

was to be a human being. You are faced with human challenges, human addictions,

fears, insecurities and ambitions – these desires and these drives are also for a very

important purpose. None of these ambitions, goals, desires and drives should

necessarily be lost or pushed to the side, what is important is for you to consider what

motivates it, what inspires all of these divine energies. Once you harness the

understanding of what this is you are in a very powerful position to open the way for

others to follow. This is why we have worked so intensively with all of you in mastering

the lower ego, overcoming your fears, breaking down the barriers and overstepping

the boundaries of the lower ego. I have said before that there is only one way to

develop self-respect and that is to push your own boundaries, to move beyond your

comfort zones and to see for yourself what you are truly made of. Remaining within a

comfort zone does not give you the opportunity to move beyond the human realm of

limited consciousness, fearful perceptions and illusionary opinions. So now that you

know what this has all been about now you are ready to start playing on a whole new

level, with a whole new team and as I have said before now it is time to “swim with the

big fish.” If you are not ready for this you are excused right now however if you are the

daring idiots that I know you are you will remain, yes? I love you all very much, none

of you are idiots really! Maybe buggers for punishment but then that is part of the

human condition, yes?

So, beloved ones, in coming to the understanding of what 2018 and 2022 is all about

you need to understand the internal foundation of your spiritual structure as a human

being. This means redefining how you see yourself, what you think about yourself and

what you have been led to believe are your identities. Transformation is the name of

the game on a daily basis and now hear me, from one day to the next there will be

moments where all you will be able to do is expect the unexpected, time for you has

sped up even more. As you move beyond the human conditions of inhibition and

limitation you discover the worlds that lie beyond the paradigm that we refer to as

outdated consciousness, the illusionary world, the fishbowl and whatever else you

would like to call it. The matrix that has been shattered and all the other matrices that

you have managed to release yourself from no longer influence you as such, what

influences you is your attachment to the comfort zones and habitual behaviour of the

human nature contained within the structure of human consciousness, therefore

broadening your horizons and expanding your awareness, especially relating to

yourself, is of the utmost importance - if you don’t know who you are then how the hell

will anyone else know who you are? It all begins with you and it will end with you, and

there I am referring specifically to that which debilitates you, that which paralyses and

inhibits you.

These new energies are going to force you out of the closet, push you into the light of

your true self where you will shine, therefore I ask you to adopt the attitude that 2009

is in fact 2000 and Shine. As this light shines through you, you will see that you are

able to penetrate the densities of the old world, the fabrications of your mind, your

imagination that was fuelled by your fears and you begin to discover that the realm in

which you are currently playing is a drop in the ocean in comparison.

You are stepping out, out of the old world, you have been doing this for sometime now

but this is a whole new level and unfortunately there are no words in your vocabulary

to describe just how great this is. Between this timeline 2009 and 2015 you will

undergo epiphanies like never before, transformation and transitions into other realms

and paradigms that will blow your socks off for those of you who don’t have hair to be

blown back! But this is not something to fear, this is something to embrace, climb onto

the back of the bull as you grab it by the horns and hold on for dear life because life is

dear, it is an exquisite experience as much as it is challenging and painful and

disappointing, but every single one of the disappointments you have experienced,

every limitation and every failure has shown you what you are capable of, it has

shown you the depth of your resilience, your courage and your strength.

The next six weeks is your personal unveiling and those who have not chosen to work

with this energy now will experience this unveiling over a period of sixteen months

give or take, therefore do the numbers, beloved ones, you know what you’re in for.

Not necessarily a dark ride but most certainly an interesting one.

The unveiling that I am referring to is linked to the chakras of Mother Earth’s body as

well as the minor energy portals contained within the subterranean worlds that many

have not paid much attention to. As these underlying energy centres in her body are

revived there will be much more activity happening within her body as well as upon

her body, this unveiling removes twenty-two veils per chakra – seven that you know as

your human chakras, then moving to twelve, to twenty-two, forty-four and then one

hundred and forty-four, and these are the levels that you will penetrate over the next

six weeks, twenty-two per chakra per level. This is in alignment with the recent

energies that Mary Magdalene has anchored and in fact with today being the 2nd of

February these two hundred and twenty-two threads of crystal light are being

integrated into the DNA of humanities bodies - those who are open to receiving this.

This means Dimensions Twenty-two through to Two Hundred and Twenty-two are

open for you to access over the next twenty-two days. The Universe Twenty-two

through to Two Hundred and Twenty-two is open for you to access over the next

twenty-two hours.

These windows are open for limited periods of time because of the energies that they

bring forth, the intensity of these energies are going to bring about changes and cause

rumblings and stirrings within Mother Earth’s bodies, within your bodies and within

every other body of light and consciousness in existence. There is a collaboration of

energies that have gathered around your galaxy focusing on that which is coming

forth. The Planetary realignments and the configurations of the constellations of Stars

are all working together emanating these frequencies, which are speaking to the DNA

of your body, as it penetrates your atomic structure so new worlds begin to open up.

These energies will mushroom out into your higher awareness showing you exactly at

which point in time you became inhibited, where you were frozen in time as and where

the point of reference became distorted in your life.

You will always be animated by Spirit, but there are parts of you that are animated by

your fearful aspects and this unveiling is going to shed light on those areas of your life,

they will be revealed therefore, Mother Moon comes to stand to your left, Father Sun

comes to stand to your right, Goddess Venus in front of you and the Lord of Mars

behind you. The combination of these energies bring forth action through Mars, love

through Venus, illumination through Father Sun and the ability to go within and to trust

you intuition through Mother Moon, therefore for these next twenty-two days align with

these four bodies of light every day and allow them to guide you.

Your unveiling process will be very personal, a deep and glorious journey. The levels

penetrated will show you that there are divine ways to inspire those dormant aspects

of your self, to convince them to come back out into the light. Many of those aspects

you may consider your shadow, this is why earlier on I said to you this is the time to

come out into the light to reveal your authentic self, not to shy away behind the veils,

for as long as you hide behind those veils that is how long you will feel inhibited, you

will feel the pressure and the density weighing heavily upon you because you are not

being true to yourself. Forget what everyone else thinks of you, that has nothing to do

with you, other people’s thoughts and opinions are their own not yours, if they choose

to project it onto you, you have the power to reject that projection and it is time that

you own that, and that you did it for as long as that controls you, you will never step

into the light of your authentic self. So be who you are, uncensored and this I have

said before.

Lord Merlin and Goddess Jezebel are preparing the energies for these almighty

changes and the unveilings that will take place in a few weeks time relating to the Fire

Gates of Egypt will blaze a new trail through each and every one of your lives, and

those of you who are here tonight in physical body you are the anchors for the Fire

Gate energies that we will be bringing into the light of the new world. Those of you

who are here and will be travelling to the physical land of Egypt you will be the

conduits through which this energy is channelled so, once again, I warn you, hold on

to your bootstraps!

The time of change cannot be stopped, not when your focus is to be a completely

uninhibited and liberated soul for then your spirit has full access to every avenue of

expression possible within a human form. Do not let other people’s opinions and fears

stop you, do not under any circumstance let any criticism or judgement stand in your

way. As they say, go big or go home, get out into the light or remain within your shell.

Now help me here ,what would be more exciting, what would be more liberating, soul

fulfilling - Remaining within the shell? I don’t think so, you have been there for quite

some time.

Each of you hold within your DNA twelve keys; these twelve keys are linked to the

twelve chakras of your spiritual body. Each of these keys will be activated over the

next twenty-two months and will contribute to the preparation of the foundation of what

humanity will need to face in the coming years. So yes, from 2018 to 2022 perhaps

more specifically 2020, there are going to be Earth changes, physical earth shifts –

that is the time that many people are mistakenly referring to as being the 2012

changes. 2012 is a shift in consciousness, it is the inner movement, it is the

earthquakes taking place within and many of you have experienced those earth

shattering movements of devastation and realisation of where you have been and how

your pathway has been inhibited and how you as a soul have been inhibited.

The Avatars of the Cosmos are stepping forward, this is not limited to the Ascended

Masters as you know them, not even the Gods and Goddesses of the Light, there are

four million new beings of light coming forward over the next twenty-eight months to

ensure that those who have chosen to be the leaders of the light, to be the catalysts of

change are fully equipped for what shall come from 2015. You are in a position to

open the hearts, the eyes, the minds and the spirits of thousands if not millions of

people in your own way therefore, this is your time, this is your (I am going to say this

in inverted commas because I cannot think of any other word right now) this is your

“warning” to get your behind into gear and start following your passion. Live your soul

plan, step into that purpose and give the technology to the world. That technology

might not necessarily be anything scientifically based or anything to do with

technology as you understand it but, the human spirit is a technology on its own as is

divine spirit, and the make-up of Father God and the make-up of the Mother Goddess

are technologies within themselves.

You are hearing my words for a reason; your soul has made damn sure you were here

tonight so that you can get a move on and get into doing what you are meant to do,

and if there are some of you sitting here that think “oh for goodness sake Kuthumi I

don’t even know what it is I am needing to do!” well then stop and feel, don’t think,

feel. Every day set the intention that it be revealed to you what that passion is, what

that purpose is and I assure you it will come to you. Be patient and don’t ever give up,

and those of you who are sitting here cringing because you know you should have got

on with it ages ago, need I say anything more.

I, Kuthumi, accompanied by St Germain and Master Jesus place each of you within a

Sacred Geometric Crystal Temple, we will hold you within this temple for the next

forty-four days. During this time your entire atomic structure is going to undergo an

upgrade of sorts, this upgrading is aligned with the divine higher intelligence of our

Cosmic Parents – this grants you access to those dimensions that exist beyond the

human paradigms, this will work in conjunction with the two hundred and twenty-two

threads that Mary Magdalene has brought to humanity upon this day. As these

energies work together there will be many areas that begin to shift and change and

there will be moments perhaps where you cannot decipher exactly what is unfolding,

but know that as one area moves in one direction, one might move in another direction

(one moving clockwise, the other anti-clockwise). Do not be disturbed by this apparent

dichotomy it is temporary and will be short lived. Some of you are in for grand

surprises at times when you least expect it and very quickly. This is the time of

integrating and living the Promise of New Life.

I know that there are many of you that have been feeling disillusioned and rather

peeved with the Universe, seeing the glass as less than half empty, however

remember this is 2000 and Shine so we shine our light on you and we reassure you

that as dark as it may appear now there is always the saying that one must remember

– the darkest hour is before the dawn.

Your dark moments are simply showing you what is about to change and if you

choose to see it as the cue to alerting you that big changes are on your doorstep then

you will move through it with greater ease and greater confidence. So having said that

and having enjoyed every moment of bending your ear let us get into the visualisation

before the rest of the entourage whom you cannot see start shooting daggers at me

because now I have centre stage and all I want to do is talk! I have been deprived of

my lengthy discussions for some time now, I have been given strict instructions to

keep all initiations to forty-five minutes, for goodness sake can you imagine how

difficult that is for me?! But then of course I am supposed to be an Ascended Master.

So let us begin, please close your eyes if you have not already and let us move into

the realms of your divine light, the place where your fully conscious self resides, the

world in which your truth is free to be expressed, to be indulged in without inhibition,

without lack and without reserve. Allow yourself to simply let go and be within that

perfect true space of you.

As you sink into this place we begin drawing your energy into the sacred realms of the

timeline of truth where you step into “The Truth Shift“, the time where you are seeing

through the eyes of God, loving through the heart of the Mother Goddess and

understanding where you are at, understanding the plan of where you will be at that


As you are held within this space the four million new beings we spoke of earlier on

open their heart chakras to you and very gently these waves of energy filter through

the ethers and make their way to find your heart chakra. As these waves of fluid love

penetrate your being they flow through every aspect of your physicality, your

emotionality, mentality and spirituality. This love prepares you for a great time of

release, an incredible time of illumination and the opportunity to discover God and

Goddess within.

I, Kuthumi, now place your energy within the centre of the Sacred Crystal Temple of

the heart of Father God and Mother Goddess. As we hold you in this place welcome

your personal guides and your healing angel. Allow every Being of the Light whom you

know and don’t know access to your energy field – open your mind, your heart, your

body and your spirit to these energies.

Mother/Father God now activate a chakra located between your heart and your solar

plexus. This is a very sacred and very vulnerable point for a human being for that is

the window to the soul’s inner make-up, the blueprint of everything you have ever

known, experienced, mastered and are yet to experience, know and master, in other

words that is the doorway to your Akashic Records. Do not speak of this point to

anyone else unless they are working with this material, the only reason why we say

this is because of how sacred and vulnerable that chakra can be.

Place the palm of your right hand over that chakra now, as you link to it through the

heart of Father God. Place the palm of your right hand now onto your heart chakra

and imagine the two linking. Keeping your right hand on your heart place your left

hand over that chakra now and just allow the light and the love of Father/Mother God

to fill you.

As this energy penetrates your Akashic Portal, Father God places twelve Citrine

Crystals inside of it, each of these linked to the twelve keys you embody we spoke of

earlier on. Just breathe into these crystals and allow them to find their place in your

energy field.

Mother Goddess stands over you, she places the palm of her right hand on your

crown chakra, the palm of her left hand on your sacral chakra and begins to encode

you with the Akashic Symbols of your individual portal. These symbols ensure that this

chakra remains activated and allows you access in meditation and quiet contemplation

time to move into the information that you require pertaining to you specifically

whenever you need it. As the symbols are integrated into your DNA the

rearrangement of energies within your body begins the unveiling process for you, this

unveiling as I said earlier on is deeply personal and unique unto you. The unveiling

can be the process of having illusions revealed to you as well as deep insights, clarity

and revelations. Stand firmly in your truth and all will be perfectly well in your personal


I, Kuthumi, now stand at your feet. Master Jesus now stands at your crown. St

Germain to your left and Lord Maitreya to your right. Our energies unite linking to

Father/Mother God and activate another geometric patterning, which you will integrate

into your life over the next six months; this will support you in the reconstruction of the

foundation of your new life.

Take a deep breath in exhaling fully as all of these energies mingle with your auric

field penetrating all your higher bodies and your lower bodies.

Take another deep breath in and relax.

As each of you allow yourself to receive these blessings and these energies,

pathways to new ways of living and experiencing life will come to you. Be open to that

which comes to you through your imagination, thoughts impressed upon your mind.

Be open to the wise words of others, those whom you respect and listen to your

intuition. I cannot emphasise enough how important this unveiling is and how

important it is for you to allow yourself to step out and shine. These energies will push

you in the right direction all that is required of you is to trust, to follow the inspiration,

listen and act. Ensure that you take time out to be still for it is within the stillness of

your being that much more will be revealed to you.

Take another deep breath in exhaling fully.

If any of you are feeling nausea as a result of the activation of your Akashic Portal just

simply breathe, relax your muscles, it will pass very shortly.

Activating the Akashic Portal results in a very rapid recalibration of your chakras, the

reason for this is because now your chakras are being influenced by a whole new

energy vibration; they too need to recalibrate and adjust to these systems.

Those of you who are parents - your children, if they are ready, will have the same

Akashic Portal activated, this will result in a release for you and your family structure.

Be patient with this during this time. Some of the side affects of this Akashic Portal

activation is fever and what might appear as flu coming on – do not disturb yourself it

will pass however, we do suggest that additional Vitamin C and a minimum of two

litres of purified water per day will be sufficient to support this process. The fever

symptoms are the release of the old inhibiting patterns, as they come out so new can


Relax your body as the last phase of these energy injections continue.

Archangel Michael now enters this space. He stands alongside myself and he lays his

Sword of Truth, Excalibur, upon your body. This aligns your spine with the divine truth

of Universal Truth and it strengthens your personal divine will to go forth and to

embrace the Promise of New Life, to live the best life possible.

Take a deep breath in and relax.

Beloved ones the flow of these energies and where you are at now within the temple

of Father/Mother God’s hearts is where you will remain for the next twenty-one hours.

During this time we will ensure that all energies are properly integrated into all the

bodies that require it. Make sure that you get enough rest and be still. It is also vital

that you allow yourself to feel whatever comes forth and to allow whatever needs to be

released to be released.

Take another deep breath in and as you exhale slowly start bringing your

consciousness back into your physical body knowing that the energy work will


Another deep breath in. Imagine yourself coming in through the crown of your head

moving down your spine and roots moving into the heart of Mother Earth’s body

grounding you firmly back in your body.

You can stretch your arms and rotate your wrists if you like, stretch your legs rotate

your ankles, rotate your shoulders and your neck. This allows your energy to move

back into the body and relax.

I trust that each of you feel comfortable with that which has been activated for you, we

are aware of the fact that it is impossible for you to fully comprehend the extent of

what has taken place and what will take place however, like every other teaching we

bring forth all we ask of you is to trust and to grow with the flow. Each day will reveal a

plan to you, each moment will guide you as long as you listen and as long as you

trust. This is imperative training to prepare you for that which will come. The time will

come where the only thing you will be able to rely upon is your intuition – is this clear

to all of you? Very well.

Now I will take four questions in relation to what we have discussed tonight, is there

anyone who would like to ask?

Q: How do we best assist our children through this transition?

K: Beloved sister the best way to support your children during this transition is to be

sensitive to their feelings, listen to what they say, observe their behaviour, make them

aware of what you are feeling, what you are going through and what is motivating your

actions. If there is disharmony or conflict speak to one another, encourage them to

express what they are feeling. If there are ones who’s children are too little to express

their feelings hold the child to your heart chakra and ask the information to come to

you from their heart to yours and then take action.

Take your children out into nature, let them connect with everything that embodies

energy, a lively energy, it will keep them grounded.

Limit their intake of refined sugars, rather give them natural sugars, this will support

the body.

Ensure they get enough rest and enough water. Many times children process or their

bodies begin to appear as if it is ill because it is not sufficiently hydrated with water, I

am not speaking of fruit juices or any other beverage, water specifically. Water helps

the children to contain their emotional bodies and to allow the emotions to flow. If

children do not want to speak encourage them to express their emotions and feelings

in other ways, perhaps through physical activity or creative activities, whatever they

feel most comfortable doing and then take action based on what they are asking for

and what they are suggesting.

Is this clear? Yes. It answers your question? Very well.

Anything else?

Q: Lord Kuthumi you spoke about the different dimensions and also the portal into our

Akashic record in terms of when is it possible to do it as far as timelines are concerned

you spoke about twenty-two days and also our portal into the Akashic Record is there

also a time limit with that?

K: There is no limit to being able to access your Akashic Portal, that is your personal

world and you have access to it all the time. Don’t speak of it to others because you

do not want to grant them access to that very sacred place, you understand?

The other dimensions that we spoke of you will have access to them for the period of

twenty-two days and the twenty-two hours so you can begin to tune into it as soon as

possible. During that time you will have the opportunity to access information and

ideas that will serve you and others, do you understand? Yes. Does that answer your

question? Yes. You are welcome. Peace and blessing be with you.

Q: Lord Kuthumi when you speak of the accessing, can you share a little bit more

about it? I can understand and appreciate the subtle accessing in the sleep realm and

the like but I am not getting much of a steer as to some sort of conscious accessing in

terms of our group?

K: My suggestion is that you allow your imagination to be the vehicle that grants you

that access therefore, taking some time out to be still and imagining something that

you would consider a viable vehicle that would grant you access to another world if

you like. Be creative with this, the more creative you are with it and the more pleasant

the experience is the easier it will be for you to move into that world, do you


I do understand but I still lack clarity as to what it is that I am accessing, I am not

entirely sure that once they are open and available what is the gift, what is the journey,

what is the opportunity?

That is your journey, it is an individual experience. This is why the unveiling is so

important because it’s removing that veils that have blocked your vision to these gifts

be they personality traits that strengthen you as a human being. It could be talents that

you never knew existed. Perhaps a direction that you choose to follow, a modality that

you might decide to study, it is unlimited and infinite therefore, simply be open to

whatever comes. Perhaps what might be of support to many of you is when you

choose to sit down and consciously focus on accessing that realm, that you write

whatever it is you are thinking or feeling, if you get an instantaneous desire to do

something, to speak to someone then follow through on these, explore it rather than

speaking yourself out of why you shouldn’t follow through. One of the reasons why

many of you miss out on so called golden opportunities is because you allow the

analytical part of the lower ego to convince you as to why it cannot be done simply

because it does not fit into the paradigm of your awareness as a human being at the

level that you are currently at however, when you move past those boundaries and

past those limiting attitudes and perceptions you discover there are far greater worlds

that lie beyond it and as such, a far greater you that lives beyond that.

As a child you could access these, as a child many people have these grand dreams

of what they want to do, who they would like to become - that is the Akashic Portal.

That Akashic Portal shuts down as early as three years and eight months. At the 3.8

point that is usually when that portal is shut for many, permanently, this results in

people grappling in the dark, being shoved from pillar to post, trying to deal with their

fate, trying to make head and tail of the nightmare they have come to call their life.

Don’t place expectation on what those gems or gifts should be, have a completely

open mind. Is this clear to you brother? Thank you. It makes sense to you, it answers

your question? It gives me sufficient guidance thank you. You are most welcome

peace and blessings be with you.

Actually before I carry on let me also add - it is difficult for us to direct any of you

specifically number one because you have your own journey and your own pathway,

and number two, the human mind can as yet not grasp that which we could tell you,

you are capable of doing therefore, it needs to be a discovery of self, you need to

come across it yourself. No use us telling you, you can do something when there’s a

part of you that believes it is impossible, that is why this unveiling is such an incredible

time for all of you and there is some of you in this group who will find your psychic

awareness is going to go through the ceiling, then you will learn to contain that psychic

energy for yourself, not to dish it out to all and sundry, it does not mean that you need

to become the vessel for everyone else to tell them what to do with their lives – no,

that is their journey. Using your psychic energy for yourself is very powerful, extremely

empowering and shows you the pathway to inner freedom. You can utilise your

wisdom, your knowledge and your insights to help others but do not give your psychic

energy away, it is yours for a purpose.

So last question.

Q: Lord Kuthumi there is much fear especially by South Africans regarding 2010

would you care to comment?

K: Sister yes I would care to comment! She has opened the stage again please bear

with me.

As you know South Africa is the base chakra of the Planet – yes? And with the

energies that we are working currently it is about changing the foundation, which is

what the unveiling is all about. Now Johannesburg is also the inner base chakra of

Southern Africa therefore, as the foundation crumbles there are going to be very

similar crumbling experiences in the physical realm therefore, yes, there will be major

political change in 2010, there will be great concern in many areas as to the safety of

people but we ask you not to fear this because we have already told all of you that you

will be guided to places where you will be safe. This is a very necessary process for

Southern Africa, the reason why I say this is because you are preparing the way for

the rest of the world. The African Continent is a Goddess, a feminine being, where

does the birth of a child happen? Through the base, this is the birth of the golden

infant of the African Continent and what will happen and the changes that will take

place especially politically will shake the rest of the world, we pray, to their senses.

This will have an important impact on what is happening in the United States of

America and the current leader, Barack Obama, is also going to face important

challenges within his own career. There is going to be the rising of his hidden enemies

where he will need to look at his hidden agendas so to , and the hidden agendas of

the African people, and I speak of all South Africans will also come out to the fore.

Some of you may recall some years ago already I have been telling you of changes

that are happening for Southern Africa, this has been a build up where things are

exposed within government, this is the final crack through that foundation so that the

bottom can fall out and that new energy can be rebuild.

Do not fear the time of change, many times things need to go to reach a point of

crises, a critical point of crises, to shake people to their senses especially when a

complacency has developed that is inhibiting the greater good of humanity and of the

people, where there is corruption, where there is deliberate creation of illusions and

duping the people that they are supposed to be protecting, guiding and empowering.

That is not tolerated, will not be tolerated and the change must come, but I guarantee

you and promise every single one of you, you will be protected. This is why we ask

you to listen, to take your time of stillness out, to feel and to act on those feelings.

Listen to my words that I have given you this evening as often as you need to, there

are many keys of wisdom and guidance in what I have said already.

2010 is a change for Southern Africa but it is the light at the end of the tunnel for the

rest of the world. Is this clear? Does it answer your question sister?

Yes it does. How long will it last?

Based on the way things are currently and we are simply predicting now based on the

current trend, anything between eight and fourteen months. Is this clear? Thank you.

You are welcome.

Know that can change depending on how people deal with the changes, you

understand? Yes. Very well.

Are all of you at peace at this time, beloved ones? Do you believe me when I tell you

not to worry about the changes that are coming? Yes. Thank you, just checking. We

will hold you to it Lord Kuthumi. You can bet on that!

No matter what comes your way always know that you are protected. Actually let me

quickly elaborate on something here, you asked for it. When you are faced with a

dangerous situation and I am going to use the situation that this channel was in a little

while ago, she was hi-jacked at gunpoint. Many people were so disturbed by the fact

that she was the victim of a such a violent act, in fact she became quite angry when

she was called a victim, she did not see herself as a victim of a violent act but simply,

after getting over her shock, realised that she was safe, not a hair on her head was

harmed, even though she was threatened with her life she had the opportunity to hand

over a whole bunch of “bad ass” karma to those who chose to do what they did

therefore, look at the situation for what it is not what you perceive it to be. The moment

you can do that and you realise that you still have your life, you have that which is

important to you then you realise just how protected you are. Is that clear to all of you?

It does not mean to say that because you are on a spiritual path and you are following

everything that Kuthumi et al á saying left, right and centre that you are not going to

face challenge, that you are not going to have to look at certain areas and perhaps be

in a situation that you might consider dangerous.

Grow in wisdom, this is not to say that this is going to happen to all of you, just trust

that you are always safe, that is in fact the point I am trying to make. Is this clear?

Yes. Very well.

And so it is then, beloved ones, that I take my cue now from the other side, it’s time to

move on. I trust that each of you can take home with you the love and the essence of

truth that we brought to each of you this evening. We trust that each of you will

harness that divine quality of your sacred self and allow it to inspire you, allow it to

open the way for you.

As you understand that your journey is unique and that each of you have something

vital to contribute then we hope and will give you the benefit of the doubt by believing

that you will give it your very best shot - no ifs, no buts, no maybes just do it.

Trust in the many invisible arms that hold each of you and know that there is not a

moment that you are walking alone, how can you we are all one, therefore with you

always in all ways. Thank you for your time precious ones, thank you for gathering

together, for honouring the truth of your soul and serving alongside us, it is an honour.

I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless

you in love. Adonai.

To download the audio version of this channelling go to www.indecontent.com

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margardian képe

Szasztok, hát nagy nehezen elkészült !

Lassúságom oka :), hogy vagy 3x szállt el a gépem, és aki összerakta, nagyon nem oda tette vissza ahol volt . :) de most már lemezre mentettem mindent .....
Igyekszem a továbbiakat is ...

VacskAnisha képe

Hétfőn kinyomtatom....dejóóóó!

Aha képe

Én is Köszönöm!

margardian képe

Nagyon szívesen! :)

VacskAnisha képe

Köddé vált a citrinem a DNS 12-ből. VÉLetlen épp tegnap pótoltam.....Ojjééé! Köszi Kuthumi!

Koszonom, Aldas erte

Raistigle képe

Angol trágya...hát eléggé kapos..a dögkeselyűk már rajta vannak....egyétek, nektek adom.....nem élek ezzel....

margardian képe

Nimi már megint nem olvastad el , de ez a te dolgod. De neked is van benne jótanács :)))
"Te lélekként egy emberi testben dolgozol a lelkeddel ezen az emberi idővonalon, miközben lelked állandóan lehetőségeket keres, hogy kifejezze magát, a hiteles éned bökdös téged, hogy nyisd ki Pandora szelencéjét, ami mélyen benned van, és engedd, hogy meglásd milyen végtelen lény vagy a teremtés egészében.
Az emberi öntudatod volt, az a valami, ami lehetővé tette ezt.
Ehhez emberi kapcsolatokra volt szükséged, mert ez az egyetlen módja annak, hogy tapasztalj, és ehhez embernek kellett lenned. Szembenézni kihívásokkal, félelmekkel, ambíciókkal - ezek ösztönöztek.
Ezek közül az ambíciók, célok, vágyak ösztönzések közül semelyiket sem kellene félretolni vagy eldobni, ami fontos, az az, hogy azon gondolkozz el, mi motiválja, ezek közül melyek azok, amiket az isteni energiák ihlettek."
Szeretlek :)))

Raistigle képe

Kedves Marga !

ez alapvető dolog...ebbe semmi új energia vagy csatornázás nem kell...

margardian képe

Kedves Nimi!
Nem baj, nem kell. .... neked ....de van... és ne törődj vele... ne zavarjon...

Legtöbb tan - rejtett tan, és célja nem az hogy felszabadítson, hanem hogy korlátozzon. Ne kérdezd. Miért? Vigyázz a hogyan?-nal. A Miért? elkerülhetetlenül paradoxonhoz vezet. A Hogyan? az ok és hatás univerzumának csapdájába zár. Mindkettő tagadja a végtelent.
Frank Herbert

margardian képe

"Legtöbb tan - rejtett tan, és célja nem az hogy felszabadítson, hanem hogy korlátozzon. "-írtad
Hát tudod, akkor most szentségtörő leszek... a pálosok sem és még sorolhatnám kik nem adták át a tudásukat. csak rejtve... úgy is nézünk ki .
Amit tudok átadok...és mindenki azt csinál vele amit akar .

VacskAnisha képe

Kérdezek valamit.
Egy olyan tudás, ami veszélyes arra, aki még nem tette meg a kezdő lépést, azt oda adod a kezdőnek. Adsz gyufát a kisgyermek kezébe? Vagy kést?
Nézz körül. Jelenleg ennek a tudásnak a legalapjai vannak szabaddá téve, hogy önállóan használhassák az emberek. És mi van? Spiri kupleráj. Miért? Mert nem a tisztulással kezdi, még ott van az összes személyiség hibája, a szíve zárva, de már látó, gyógyít, meg mittudomén mit csinál.

Ha valaki hagyja, hgoy egy tan bekorlátozza, akkor annak arra a korlátra szüksége vót. Meg kellett tapasztalni. Tán pont azért, hogy ki tudjon belőle kecmeregni. Én így látom.

margardian képe

Konkrétan erre az anyagra reagálta le az a személy ,akinek én válaszoltam avval, a kicsit fura példámmal. Magyarul lefikázta az itt található anyagot.(puff)
Az amit én lefordítottam, már egy 2003-óta tartó folyamatos ismeretadás sorozatának az sokszázadik része. , és az első pár évben igen csak nagy belső munkát igényelt. (de te ezt tudod)
Amit írtál igaz, de nem a témához tartozik, ehhez az anyaghoz semmi köze.
De nem számít: :) Ha kijött és ide jött ki belőled, hát itt van. Elfogadásban vagyok :)))

Raistigle képe

Ezek az anyagok, egy nagy tömegtudatnak a részei, amit majmolnak...az emberek..mert örülnek neki, hogy kapnak valamit..ami már egy kicsit finomabb mint a hétköznapi világ. Egyrészt, a csatornázás, amerikai és így nem a magyaroké...Akkor halott mikor fordítod...mert ugyanis torzítod....A következő, ha előveszel egy 3 éves anyagot, eladhatod most is....miért ? Semmibe nem tud ujjat mutatni a hablatyon kívül....A fikázás még úri szó erre, mert ami ez valójában....elmére ható drog...függőséget okoz..Látod, te se tudsz tölle megválni...! Bizonygatod az egodnak...mert fordítod..és ez kell....Ezen a ponton verted át magadat ! Mikor leszel szabad ? ha a tömegtudatos maszlagot fordítod ?

margardian képe

Tömegtudat része? Bár az lenne :)
Fogalmad sincs miről alkotsz véleményt és ítélkezel és ítélkezel, Nofiatalember ahogy elnézem még a Bibliát sem ismered... vagy ha igen akkor elkárhozol ha ítélkezel :))))
És naponta ezt teszed...
Azt hiszed eladhatod ?-kérdezted? Miről beszélsz ? Valakikkel nagyon összetévesztettél .
Ne félts engem én folyékony tudatosságú vagyok , nem rögzült.
Szabad vagyok, te mikor leszel szabad ?Magadnak tedd fel ezeket a kérdéseket.

Minden kérdést amit felteszel nekem, kérdezd meg magadtól,
Miért, és mitől félek?
Miért érzem veszélyesnek ezt a nőt és amit cselekszik, miért érdekel engem?
Mit érdekel engem ez az egész, ahelyett, hogy avval foglalkoznék ami örömet okoz?( vagy ebben leled örömödet? Akkor sajnálom, de azt kell mondanom, ez abberáció, és nem ítélet, csak meghatározás.
Mit kellene tennem, hogy ez az évek óta fennálló ellenszenv iránta , amitől függővé váltam elmúljon? (talán boldoggá tennélek ha eltűnnék a spirivilágból?, ha Isten is úgy akarja, megyek de nem a te két szép szemedért.

Tudod a válasz benned van , minden kérdésedre.
Amiket írtál , hogy az elmére ható drog, meg ilyenek csak jót mosolyogtam rajta, mert ezt mindenre mondhatod akár a keresztrejtvényfejtésre, vagy a nyelvtanulásra is.
A lélek, a szív a szeretet eszedbe sem jut, mindig csak az elméről beszélsz.
Vajon miért nem látsz túl az elméden? Évek óta , mindig ott vagy bebetonozva.
Tesómat idézem:
Tárd ki a szíved és csak szeress ,csak szeress../.Anisha/

Fogalmad sincs mivel foglalkozom, azt hiszed csak evvel, mert havonta felteszek ide valamit ? Hát tévedtél.
De ez emberi dolog.
És én így is szeretlek téged, de meggyógyítani magad csak te tudod.
Hála Istennek, már nem hat rám akármit írsz, nem tudsz letéríteni az utamról.
És ez az oldal, csak egy állomása annak. Megyek szeretni.

Raistigle képe

Bingó, az aranykalitkás börtön..csiillog villog....ha kell szeress ott........Hiába az import varázsa.....legyen új....és csilivili.........

margardian képe

Nem ismersz, egyszerű és puritán ember vagyok arisztrokratikus megjelenéssel.:)
Semmi csilivili, ámbár megérdemelném.
És mindezek ellenére, nyitott szívű és emberbarát.

Raistigle képe

Egy szellemi szint után...nem lesznek szavak, amik le tudnák írni a valóságot...Így bármely SZAVAKBA öntött "igazságnak" vélt új tanítás ....>>>> az csak egy szinten maradást jelöl.....Így röghözkötést eredményez......Nem a szavak fognak kiemelni, hanem ami azon túlvan...Így a csomó fordításod, vagy anyagbegyűjtésed...csak egy szint .....Ha a fontossági sorrend még a szavak...ami az elmének szól..akkor még az elmében vagy ! 3D szintjén...nem emelkedtél rajta kívüle....

margardian képe

A szavakon túl,,, nem leírható :)De vannak szívhez szóló szavak is. És azokat van , hogy leírják

margardian képe

Egy szellemi szint után Nimi, még az is kiderül, hogy az összes Buddha tanítások Maharishi fordítások,a Biblia, a Talmud, a Uppanisadok stb igazságnak vélt tanítások voltak és annak magyarra fordítása anyagbegyüjtés volt, csak egy szint és , mindegyik az elmének szólt.
Ők is az elmében voltak akkor ,nem emelkedtek azon kívül :)))
Látod ők is mind egy szinten maradást képviseltek :)))És milyen jól :) Mert még mindig vannak vallási háborúk .
Itt az ideje nekünk is ezeken felülemelkedni . Nem gondolod?
Már csak azért is , mert semmivel nem lett jobb a világ , hanem még rosszabb.
Miért? Mert mindegyik az emberek egymástól való elkülönítéséért született.
Milyen kár, hogy a sötétség érti és használja csak, az Egységben az erő metafizikai törvényt.

Raistigle képe

Ezért is mondom, hogy a tanítást önmagadban találod meg. Nem pedig az írásokban.

""Itt az ideje nekünk is ezeken felülemelkedni . Nem gondolod?
Már csak azért is , mert semmivel nem lett jobb a világ , hanem még rosszabb."""

A világ úgy jó ahogy van ! Ha a teremtő,a forrás, hagyja a működésüket, akkor te miért kérdőjelezed meg ? Az itt és mostban szerepe van, hogy létezik, akár a vallásháború is. Felülemelkedni ? Megkérdőjelezni a forrást ? Hogyan gondolod ezt ? Inkább én azt mondom, sodródj az életárammal, és az mindig meghozza a gyümölcsét. vagyis megfogja mutatni mi a feladatod, és az elfoglalt helyed, és a szereped az életben, ahol helyt fogol állni.

Elkülönülés, attól függ....nézőpont kérdése. Ha fizikailag elkülönülve, de szellemileg egységbe, akkor végső soron van elkülönülés ?...................................................

margardian képe

Hogyan gondolom ? Úgy hogy a Forrás késztet a megkérdőjelezésére :))) És lehetőséget ad arra, hogy választásokat hozzak. Hogy hitem tegyem a szeretet mellett.,és minden cselekedetemben benne legyen ...stb stb .. De az nem jelenti azt, hogy nem fogadom el ami van !
Fáradt vagyok írkálni litániákat :) és úgysem értenél meg .
Akkor meg minek is ...

Raistigle képe

A forrás sose késztet erre, hisz tudja a forrás, TE nem tudod megváltoztatni. A tudomásodra hozza a magasabb minőséget, viszont nem vagy abban a helyzetben, hogy megváltoztasd. Energiát vesztessz így, olyanba hiszel aminek nem Te vagy az írányítója...Finom Ego.....de az még akkor is ego....

margardian képe

Te mondád . :)

a tudás nem szavakban van azt gondolatban kapod, ha nem tudtad most tudod már. kisgyermek kezébe nem adsz és mégis van gyufa és kés a kezében. tévedsz a mindenáron gazdagodás és ennek a feltétlen hívei okozzák a spiri kuplerájt, a tudásra szükséged van.

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