Saint-Germain – "A Lelki Szuverenitásod" (Your Spiritual Sovereignty)

Dan Bennack képe


Nekünk van egy új üzenetünk Saint-Germaintől (Angolul): Saint-Germain – "A Lelki Szuverenitásod" (Your Spiritual Sovereignty)

Az új könyvünket szintén kiadták: "Egy Új Világ Felébred" (A New World Awakens: A Saint-Germain Book)..

Kedves üdvözletek,

Dan és Alexandra



We have a new message from Saint-Germain: Saint-Germain – "Your Spiritual Sovereignty ".

Our new book has been published. It is called "A New World Awakens: A Saint-Germain Book".

Kind greetings,

Dan and Alexandra


"Your Spiritual Sovereignty" - A Saint-Germain Channel

By Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack

January 2, 2009

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The following is a chapter from our newly-published book entitled, "A New World Awakens: A Saint-Germain Book."

"As you invite your Soul into greater relationship with the human you, it
will speak to you of sovereignty. Sovereignty is the chief attribute of the New You...

"What does it mean to be spiritually sovereign?

"Does it mean that you feel superior to others? That you are more evolved in
consciousness than they are? That you have more power, creativity, or authority? Does God enlighten your choices, but not those of another, or make your prayers and petitions the only ones of consequence?

"No, it doesn't mean any of these things.

"Being spiritually sovereign means only one thing - that you are free of the illusion of being something that you are not.

"When you are spiritually sovereign, you remember that You Are God, also, and not the collection of false personas fabricated by your ego. You know that God is your innermost Self, and as close to you as your own heart; and because of this, you do not allow yourself to be persuaded otherwise. You acknowledge that the reason you are here on Earth is to embody the life of your Soul - to give voice and creative expression to that unique focus of consciousness that You Are Within the Mind Of God."

To continue reading this channeled material, please click here or go to


Happy New Year, 2009!

We wish you joy, prosperity, comfort, and much freedom in the days that lie ahead. Enjoy this channeled message from Saint-Germain about your spiritual heritage.

Much love,

Alexandra and Dan
