RITUÁLÉ - időpont


Fontosnak tartottam, hogy tudjatok erről:

A hírlevélben szereplő rituálé elvégzésének időpontjából egy fontos momentum kimaradt...a megjegyzésből.

Ide másolom Michelle figyelmeztetésének egy részét - de aki asztrológiát tanult annak egyértelmű:

".....a specific ritual/ceremony you need to perform by yourself at the location of your choice tomorrow before 14h00 or after 14h30. (Egypt time) Do not perform your ritual during the 30 minute time period while the moon is moving into Scorpio, for then it is considered void of course and the energies are at their weakest deeming your ceremony null and void. ..."/a teljesebb szöveget ezzel kapcsolatban a hsz vgén lesz..

Tehát ez dióhéjban az én szavaimmal azt jelenti, hogy - ez most az egyiptomi időre érvényesen szól - a speciális szertartást, egyedül, az ön által kiválasztott helyen végezze el holnap, 14 óra előtt vagy 14.30 után /Egyiptom-i idő/ . Ne hajtsa végre a rituálét a 30 perces időtartam alatt , míg a Hold halad át Skorpión, mivel ezzel az semmisnek tekintendő, és természetesen ezért elkerülendő,...az energiák a legsebezhetőbbek..stbstb.
Tehát 'vetélést' eredményez.

A kifelejtéshez nem fűzök kommentárt.
Az számít viszont hogy aki el akarja végezni az ezt a fél órát hagyja ki....

DAY 5 – Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Integration day - no energy work today. After breakfast we will check out of our hotel and travel to Dahkla Oasis (takes around 7 hours). On the way we will visit Bagawat, a Coptic Necropolis from the 2nd century in El Kharga Oasis and stop off to see some unusual landscapes and a farming area.

On arrival in Dakhla we will check into the Organic hotel for overnight on a dinner, bed and breakfast basis. If time allows, Sean will be accompanying willing members of the group on an optional bicycle ride which he will arrange from the hotel. This form of exercise supports the physical body in releasing the build up of emotional toxins being released into the muscles at this point.

En route today or tonight please listen to the “Law of Authenticity & Water Gates 36 - 42 Channelling,” the third one for this tour in order to prepare your bodies for tomorrow's activation.

In this channelling Mary Magdalene, Lady Guinevierre and Jezebel are assisted by Goddess Isis and the Scorpion Goddess in creating a powerful Pool of Magic, which shall become one of the sources of creativity you will learn to tap into with the help of your Authentic Self. The Goddesses will take you into one of the hidden ancient Desert Temples where you will experience another level of bonding with your Dragon and learn more about what it entails being a Dragon Rider. They will also provide you with a specific ritual/ceremony you need to perform by yourself at the location of your choice tomorrow before 14h00 or after 14h30. (Egypt time) Do not perform your ritual during the 30 minute time period while the moon is moving into Scorpio, for then it is considered void of course and the energies are at their weakest deeming your ceremony null and void. The Law of Authenticity and it's 7 Water Gates deliver the powerful lesson of mastering the art of being who you truly are and teaches us why it's Law is so important, and what happens when we ignore it's rules. Kuthumi-Agrippa will activate the 7 Golden Chalices containing the triggers which open your emotional body to receive their qualities. This Flame and Cosmic Law, as well as the Water Gate energies will be anchored in Egypt, Lebanon and Bhutan and extend to Russia.

This channeling will be pre-recorded as a live webinar broadcast on our website www.thelightweaver.org on Tuesday the 2nd of Feb 2010 @ 12 midday PM SA Time, for the activation taking place in Egypt on the 31st of March. Please join us if you can. All tour participants will be provided with a zip file containing all the channellings required for this tour before we leave.