Alice Bailey: A Naprendszer Hierarchiája (formázás, fordítás folyamatban)

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Alice Bailey: Naprendszer Hierarchia

Jelmagyarázat a "Szoláris és bolygószintű hierarchiák" c. ábrához


The Solar Logos


The Solor Trinity or Logoi

I The Father Will.

II The Son Love-Wisdom.

III The Holy Spirit Active Intelligence.


The Seven Rays

Three Rays of Aspect.

Four Rays of Attribute.

I. Will or Power....II. Love-Wisdom....III. Active Intelligence

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| 4. Harmony or Beauty.

| 5. Concrete Knowledge.

| 6. Devotion or Idealism.

| 7. Ceremonial Magic



S. Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World.

(The Ancient of Days.

The One Initiator).


The Three Kumaras

(The Buddhas of Activity.)

1 2 3

The reflections of the 3 major and 4 minor Rays.


The 3 Departmental Heads.

I. The Will Aspect II. The Love-Wisdom Aspect III. Intelliqence Aspect.


A. The Manu. B. The Bodhisattva C. The Mahachohan.

| (The Christ. (Lord of Civilisation)

| The World Teacher.) |

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b. Master Jupiter. b. A European Master. |

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c. Master M –. c. Master K.H. c. The Venetian Master.

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d. Master D.K. 4. The Master Serapis.

| 5. Master Hilarion.

| 6. Master Jesus.

| 7. Master R –.


Four grades of initiates.


Various grades of disciples.


People on the Probationary Path.



Average humanity of all degrees.