Saint-Germain: “Isten és az Ego” (God and the Ego)

Dan Bennack képe


Nekünk van egy új üzenetünk Saint-Germaintől (Angolul): Saint-Germain – “Isten és az Ego” (God and the Ego)

Kedves üdvözletek,

Dan és Alexandra



We have a new message from Saint-Germain: Saint-Germain – “Isten és az Ego” (God and the Ego).

Kind greetings,

Dan and Alexandra


"God and the Ego" - A Saint-Germain Channel

By Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack

December 4, 2008

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

"Most people identify heavily with their egos, or personalities, and not so much with the higher aspects of their Being, such as the Soul or God Self. This is the source of much confusion and suffering in their lives.

"The ego is not you, and it has no independent life of its own. Instead, it is a false belief about you. The ego is a deeply rooted misunderstanding of who you are that originated long before you ever walked upon the Earth.

"At its core, the ego is convinced that you became separated from God shortly after your creation. It believes that God stopped loving you, and then abandoned you, because you did what you wanted to do with your life, rather than what God expected you to do. The ego believes that God is punishing you for this now – for abusing the free will you were given in order to violate God’s Will for Creation."

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Hello Everyone,

This message is a continuation of our previous channel about sub-personalities. It provides more information about the ego, and the belief that we are separated from God. This core misperception about who we are is the cause of much suffering, and re-educating ourselves about this is part of our pathway to freedom.

We hope you enjoy reading this material, and we welcome your comments.

Much love to all,

Alexandra and Dan

P.S. We are happy to announce that our new Saint-Germain book, "A New World Awakens" will be available on December 18th.